What data is needed to catalize agricultural transformation and to realize impact on SDG2?

Data can impact agriculture and food security in many different ways. The table below provides a heatmap of the expected impact for different data categories generally found within governments. The coloring of the heatmap is indicative and a number of use cases are provided. These use cases can be explored by hovering the heat map. By clicking on the different cells a more comprehensive overvied of the different data categories are provided.

Data category Empowering farmers Optimizing agricultural practice Supporting Agrifinance Facilitating the value chain Enforcing policies Government efficiency and transparency
Agricultural law and regulations
Official records
Finance data
Rural development project data
Land use data and productivity data
Value Chain Data
Infrastructure data
Market Data
Meteorological data
Elevation data
Hydrological data
Soil data
Production advice data
Pest and disease management data